Our History
1985 A feasibility study conducted on a proposed project by the Otto Benecke Foundation on behalf of the German Government.
1986 The Otto Benecke Foundation is commissioned to implement the project and founded the Otto Benecke Foundation Namibia (VTCN). The project, initiated four years before independence, became the first foreign development investment in Namibia.
1987 After initial pilot phase, training begins in rented buildings. At the same time the physical infrastructure for a training centre is erected.
1989 The buildings of the VTCN are completed; the equipment installed and training is initiated at full capacity with 120 trainees.
1990 The official opening of the training centre conducted by the former Honourable Minister of Labour and Human Resources Development, Reverend H. Witbooi and the former Honourable Minister of Economic Co-operation of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr J.Warnke. The first trainees graduated in this year.
1991 The governments of Namibia and Germany sign an agreement making the VTCN part and parcel of the official bilateral technical co-operation. After transfer of the VTCN to the Namibian government in December, the MLHRD takes over responsibility for the training centre.
1993 The VTCN is renamed “Windhoek Vocational Training Centre” and receives its official constitution in February. The Namibian National Training Organisation (Pty) Ltd replaces the OBFN as holding company. During bilateral consultations the German government commits itself to further support of the Namibia vocational training system and the WVTC.
1994 The number of vocational programmes increased from five to eight early in the year, incorporating three trades in electrical engineering.
1995 Federal Republic of Germany expresses its willingness to continue assistance until March 1997. The Ministry of Higher Education, Vocational Training, Science and Technology took over responsibilities.
1996 WVTC conducted training to full capacity; Intake 1996 = 128 trainees in 8 trades, Total number of trainees = 290.
1997 Based on the findings of a joint project review both Governments agreed to extend the assistance for three years up to March 2000. Intake 1997 = 141 trainees in 9 trades, Total number of trainees = 410.
1998 First group of “Apprentices” successfully completed their “Level-four training” at the end of August. Intake 1998 = 112 trainees in 9 trades. In March 1998 the second and in November the third group of “Apprentices” completed their “Level-four training”.
1999 An additional trade, Boiler Maker was added to the WVTC courses, therefore the total number of trades offered at the centre increases to ten. Intake 1999 = 137 trainees in 10 trades, Total No. of trainees = 375. Another group of ‘Apprentices” completed their “Level-four training” in this year.
2000 One more trade Welder & Fabrication is added to the WVTC courses, (Total = 11 trades). Basic and advanced computer courses are introduced at the WVTC.
2001 Training for Machine Operators in Textile and Garment manufacturing conducted in conjunction with RAMATEX
2001 German government agreed to support WVTC to adapt to the requirements of CBET (follow-up period – 3 years)
2002 A CBET Implementation Unit (CIU) was established at WVTC to facilitate effective Project Implementation and Coordination
2003 Second Tracer study was conducted. Building commences on new workshops for the Electrical General, Air-conditioning and refrigeration, Plumbing and pipefitting and Radio and Television installation trades.
2003 CIU undertook extensive research on Automechanic companies in 11 regions in the country – 122 companies visited
2004 CIU undertook extensive research on Joiner Cabinet Maker companies in 11 regions in the country.